ü 团队在领导的指挥和推动下,通过各层级的沟通协调,共同完成一项特殊的任务,体验团队的领导机制,沟通机制和决策机制。
ü 所有队员分成盲人和哑人两组,相互帮助。经历一段艰难的路程,最后完成一项共同的宏伟任务。
ü 体验领导在指挥团队完成复杂任务过程中的角色定位;
ü 培养团队形成高效的决策机制和执行能力;
ü 体验团队各层级的沟通方式,解决沟通障碍。
ü 团队大融合,激发士气,提升团队凝聚力;
ü 全局观的考虑问题,考虑到所有队员;
ü 沟通障碍的消除,共同目标的实现;
ü 团队合作,用人之长,容人之短,尊重差异;
ü 对待客户的态度、方式,客户的满意度。
Outdoor group building activities blind
Project Description
Under the leadership and guidance of the team, the team through communication and coordination at all levels to complete a special task, experience the team's leadership mechanism, communication mechanism and decision-making mechanism.
All team members are divided into two groups, the blind and the dumb, to help each other. Go through a difficult journey and finally complete a common grand mission.
Training objectives:
üExperience the role positioning of the leader in the process of the command team completing complex tasks;
üTrain teams to form efficient decision-making mechanisms and execution capabilities;
üExperience the communication methods at all levels of the team to solve communication barriers.
ü Great team integration, inspire morale and enhance team cohesion;
üConsider issues from a holistic perspective, considering all players;
üEliminate communication barriers and achieve common goals;
üTeamwork, long employment, shortcoming, respect for differences;
üAttitudes and methods towards customers, customer satisfaction